Hind Bin Al Sheikh & Partners Law Firm

Real Estate and Property

Real estate refers to residential, commercial, or tourist lands and buildings, among others. Real estate regulations govern the ownership, sale, lease, use, investment, inheritance, and division of properties, in addition to controlling the use of properties without causing harm to people and the environment.
Right of Ownership: Ownership encompasses a set of legal rights enjoyed by the property owner registered in his name in official documents and records. Several other rights stem from the right of ownership, such as:

  • Right of Use or usufruct.
  • Right of Sale or Lease.
  • Right of Mortgage.
  • Right of Disposition.

What are our services in the field of real estate and property?

  • Legal Consultation: It is important to consult a specialized lawyer if you encounter any issues in this regard, whether you are a seller, buyer, landlord, tenant, mortgager, or mortgagee. We provide comprehensive and necessary legal advice to ensure your rights, reviewing the information available in property data, and contracts, and ensuring the absence of ambiguous clauses or conditions that may harm your interests or the interests of other parties.
  • Contract drafting: We meticulously and transparently managing contracts to ensure fairness for all contracting parties.
  • Registration and Documentation: We follow the procedures for property transfer, registration, and documentation for all stages in the necessary legal manner.
  • Disputes and Legal Representation: Our team is prepared to represent you appropriately, providing the necessary arguments and evidence to safeguard your rights and achieve the best possible outcome based on a comprehensive study of all the data related to your case.
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